Safety in a Simple Swim

Safety in a Simple Swim

This summer, there will be tragedy. Of course there will be sunshine, holidays, happiness, laughter and more, but unfortunately, according to statistics, there will be tragedy.

When the summer arrives and the sun is warm, children find themselves drawn to water, whether it is a river, canal, reservoir or flooded quarry, or a lake, or the sea, that lovely cooling water has the Continue reading Safety in a Simple Swim

Modern Buildings & Construction

Modern Building Beginnings

The most basic, and one of the vital ingredients in house building, although not visible on completion of the house, are its foundations.

A properly drawn up and approved plan is needed, as “rule of thumb” digging can have unpleasant later repercussions, perhaps the foundation isn’t deep enough, or even in the wrong place.

The local building inspector should be onside and on site to reconnoitre the ground and determine what Continue reading Modern Buildings & Construction

Safety & Online Shopping

Online Shopping Securely

Shopping online is a real growth industry, as more and more people get used to the convenience and ease of using the computer to do the travelling, and not your feet.

The range of goods and services you can buy online is virtually endless, it is like the biggest mall in the longest high street ever, and then some.

Virtual retailers can offer you a scale and range of products that simply would not physically fit in bricks and mortar shops, and modern mailing systems can deliver to your door faster than ever.

Modern computers with link-in speeds powered by fibre optic cables can offer you shopping opportunities unimaginable twenty years ago. Today you can have a shopping Continue reading Safety & Online Shopping